Be The Best You: Self Improvement

Success Ahead - Self Improvement

Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be a better Dad, Mother, Husband, Wife, Sibling, Parent, Athlete, Coworker or Boss? Do you want to be a better you? Decide who you want to be and what you want to accomplish and do it.


1. Love yourself, all of you and know your worth. This does not come easy to all, but is the number one rule in self improvement. Recognize your talents and good qualities as this can be a big step into loving yourself.  


2. What do you imagine life to be like? Visualize what you want and you will get there. Find your purpose in life and start taking steps to get there.


3. Set your goals and stick to them. These will take longer than overnight to achieve, so be patient and don’t rush yourself. Live by your goals. Know where you want to be in 3 years, how much money you want to make, where you want to travel etc.  Start writing these down and checking them off as they are met.  You will be surprised as to how many you are able to reach!


4. Put yourself first in the areas to need to focus on.  We all spend so much time trying to help everyone around us, we open forget about our own needs.


5. Eat right and exercise regularly.  This is a good tip to remember and a good one to start with. When we eat right and exercise, we feel better, look better, are happier and become more confident.


6. Learn something new everyday. This will help keep you growing and improving yourself. Learn from your mistakes, failures, successes, everything!


7. Change the negative way you feel about certain things. Train your mind to think positively and focus your attention elsewhere when you feel the negative feelings starting to surface.


8. Relax. Take time each day to breathe, meditate and clear your mind. This will be a big factor in helping calm your mind and imagine your goals.


9. Change your bad habits. It takes 21 days to make something a habit or to change a habit. Start today. We all go through the motions of everyday life and may not even notice the bad habits that follow us. Just making any changes is a positive and can help make your day a little different than the one before it.


10. Surround yourself with not only good people, but positive ones.  Other people that are making self improvements is also a plus as you two can work together and challenge each other. A little friendly competition is never a bad thing.


11. Take time each day to journal about your day, what your accomplishments were, where you could use improving etc. This is a great way to track your progress!


12. Don’t look at improving as a negative, take time to have fun with it and challenge yourself! Remember that happiness comes from within.


13. Take the time to be thankful for yourself and the opportunity to be an even better you as you begin the road to being the best you. Be the person you want to be.


Start with a few of these self improvement tips and work your way up. Don’t overwhelm yourself right off the bat thinking everything in your life needs to be changed overnight. Knowing you need and want to make improvements is the first step, actually starting to improve is step two.  You are in charge of your own life, so make the best of it.


What areas do you need improvement in? Share your self improvement journey with us on Twitter @TheDelta13!

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